Want to know about space – the final frontier?! Then check out these 10 top universe facts… and beyond!
1. There are more stars in the universe than grains of sand on all the beaches on Earth. That’s at least a billion trillion!
2. A black hole is created when big stars explode. Its gravitational force is so strong that nothing can escape from it – luckily the closest black hole is about 10,000 light-years from Earth.
3. The universe has no centre and is constantly expanding (getting bigger) every second – making it impossible to reach the edge.
4. Mars Life: A day on Mars is 24h, 30min, 35 sec.
5. Moon Fact: Australia is wider than the moon’s diameter.
6. Jupiter Fact: Jupiter is the most volcanic planet in our solar system, with not only hundreds of active volcanoes, but volcanos large enough to shift 250 miles into its atmosphere.
7. Mercury Fact: There is no weather and no wind on Mercury.
8. Uranus Fact: Uranus not only spins on its side but is the only planet in our solar system that spins sideways.
9. Milky Way Galaxy Fact: In the Milky Way, Saturn is the second-largest and yet lightest planet as it is mostly made of gases.
10. How many stars are there: There are more stars in the universe than there are grains of sand throughout all of Earth’s surface.